This is a blog of the poetry, acronyms, advice, etc. that I've written. They can be going over something happy, something sad, something infuriating, something going on in our world today, or just something that you may have needed to hear today. Feel free to scroll through and explore to where ever your fingertips take you!

New entries daily❤️❤️!

Advice:" I'd rather be admired for myself"

The admiration of man fades away like a thief in the night. The compliments of men are few. The anxieties of man are minuscule to God; we’ve bitten off more than we can chew. What good is it if you’re loved for who you’re not? What does it matter that you’re all that you’ve got? I’d rather be known for being a weirdo, a misfit, unnatural, an outcast than being embraced for being someone that I’m not. This may sound cliche, constant, dull, or repetitive, but, being yourself is the overall narrative. What good is the moral of a story if the story doesn’t make sense? What good is a tale if the novel is dull and dense? We lack excitement, fear, bravery. Dare to burst through a book with an abnormality. There’s no gain in striving to be someone that you’re not. Strive to be a better you. Strive to improve your character. Endeavor to be a little more sympathetic. An adventure where there are solely a few. Not fitting in is something that we all have in common. Embrace it, welcome it, greet it, and let your uniqueness radiate through you and within others. ~Z💚~

Advice:" Purposeful Persisitence"

"I was built this way for a reason, so I’m going to use it."- Simone Biles There is a reason why you’re on this earth; why you are able to wake up each morning. Why do you think that God keeps you and sustains you? Why do you think that He designs and names you? Every star in the sky and every bird in the air is being kept… have you ever wondered about how many lives you could affect? Sometimes your influence can be obscure and indirect, yet you can change people in more ways than you’d expect. Even while we’re at our homes staying away from getting ill, we could have an impact on many people, still. Is it not rare to see someone looking at the bright side of all of this? Doesn’t it seem like being positive and encouraging is a risk? Why don’t we take those chances? What’s so hard about being happy? Maybe then we’d be at a healthy advantage. And we could seek for ways to go about this time gladly. It is uncommon to see sad things anymore, so why are we complaining? What for? It would be better to look at the goodness of God’s mercy than to criticize in response and controversy. Be an example for others and prove that we all have a purpose. We’re all interconnected like a well-wired circuit. So don’t fret about the future and what it holds, there’s no gain in worrying about something before it even unfolds. Be in the now, the present, and show that you have an ambition. Even when we aren’t in the best condition. ~Z💚~

Psalm 23 and Me

We don’t have to seek vengeance because vengence is God's. This passage teaches us that we are in need of a protector. Preparing a table is respectful so we respect even our enemies. This passage tells us that we have to be like sheep. To be like sheep is to follow God willingly and obediently. As shown in verse 1, when we follow God and let him be our "shepherd", we are in need of nothing. We don't need anything because he guides us in the way that we should go and comfort us when we need direction. It also shows that we will dwell with the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth and the way maker, all the days of our life. Therefore, we are to be followers and obedient children because, when we become like children, God will provide a way for us. We are supposed to be worshipers and humble in our weakness. We have fallen to destruction and we try to make ourselves God. In doing so, we exterminate any chance that we have in having a relationship with God. However, through Jesus, we are able to be with God. In the same way, only through Jesus we are able to be in relationship with God because we are corrupted even from birth. The world tells us that we need to be our own God, however, God, knowing that we need direction, provides us with aid when we trust him with our life. Respectful followers full of humility. We’re not respecting our enemies as we should. 3. the world tells us we need to figure out things on our own. Verse five tells us that “my cups overflow”. This tells us that God gives us many blessings. So many blessings that they are abundantly flowing. Our relationship with God is like a shepherd-sheep relationship. Between God and us, God is our shepherd and we are his sheep. God is our shepherd and we are his sheep is the overarching theme. Verse 6 is a verse that addresses the promises of God. It uses confident language like “surely” and “I shall” that shows the extent of the author’s faith in the Lord. This verse also shows that dwelling in the house of the Lord will be forever and not just for a moment. It gives confirmation that there is a life that is coming and the life to come will be with the Lord. The thing that has gone wrong int his verse, however, is that we are sinful and so we needed Jesus to die for us in order for goodness and mercy to even be an option to follow us all the days of our life.


Whatever isn’t right is wrong~ I try to keep that mindset and be continually strong~ Being persistent is my dream~ I will fight the good fight and so will my team~ No matter the circumstance, we will always try~ For our dreams are big and the only limit is the sky~ I know that the people I love are near~ And we will face controversy without a drop of fear~

Personality Quiz made by Zoey Johnson

Here's a cute little quiz that I coded with Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program feel free to check it out!

Leadership Acronym

~Listening where others may not~

~Encouraging when it's needed~

~Actively building others up~

~Daring to be different~

~Endeavoring to be considerate~

~Responding to others in need~

~Seeking to do better each time~

~Holding on to the truth~

~Innovatively introducing new ideas~

~Pressing on through all the hard times~

Dear White Men: a poem written by Zoey Johnson

This poem was a little too long to type out!😂 I will type it out over time, but, in the meanwhile, you can click the link above to see the poem. 😁